This was the first thing I accomplished this week.
I saw something like it here. I wish I could say this was an inexpensive project - but it was about $70 not including the cool lobster mat we got when we were out in Maine. It is made with reclaimed fishing rope used by lobstermen. Very neat story about that and you can order one here. We really like it, but it doesn't fit under our door so I was having a hard time finding a place for it. So glad I finally found one! Also glad to have a place for all of the paper that comes home from school. I've never had good luck with refrigerator magnets. Things always get moved and lost. Gavin and Gracie put their backpacks on the hooks all week - never had to ask them once. Now THAT is organization that works. Let's hope it keeps working.This same blogger also inspired me to consider packing lunches. Packing lunch is up there on the top of my 'things I hate to do' list. I think I would rather do any other household chore. So now I'm considering it... we'll see.
We got our first real Christmas tree! Charish and Gavin got the lights on - but that's all so far.
We celebrated Dave's 39th Birthday.
After all of this wrapping and decorating Eli couldn't resist the temptation to tell his dad what was inside the box. "It's snowshoes." He said, right before Dave started to rip the paper :)
Absolutely priceless.
Back to school again with Gavin and Gracie this time. I spent the whole day there going back and forth between their rooms.
Working out the wiggles after a math lesson was lots of fun!
I ate school lunch today... did I mention that I'm considering packing lunches? Yeah, I thought so. These trays are pretty clean - so today's lunch wasn't so bad.
Kindergartners and 1st graders have been working together learning about how Christmas is celebrated around the world. Today: Germany.
Preschoolers made 'gingerbread houses'. Very tasty.
These girls are waiting patiently to go outside for recess. I just missed a shot of them all holding hands. They are such a sweet, quiet class! I can't wait to go back next week!
By the time I made it home I was exhausted. I was looking forward to this all week. What a day.
What a week!
Tomorrow is a dentist appointment, followed by a Bible study... then somehow finish decorating that tree... oh, and bake and decorate two birthday cakes, and prepare for Gavin and Gracie's birthday party on Saturday...
Seems life will never slow down. I'd better get used to this crazy pace and learn quickly what is important and what is not. Looking at all of these faces, I'm pretty confident that I got it right this week.
My hope is that I can say that again next week.